
The first thing I did today was to wake up and again beat my consecutive days breathing streak. I’m not only on a roll breaking the streak, but I’m on a streak of breaking the streak that’s almost as long. Really, today I am the youngest I’ve ever been and the oldest I’ve ever been, so age is just what age is.

Of course I’m still in the “I can’t believe how old the people I graduated high school with” phase. I don’t hit the “age is just a number” phase for a few more weeks. Which is kind of why I’m writing today.

About six months ago, I found two bottles of malt-vitamins in the clearance aisle at Walgreens, so, always on the lookout for a deal, I snatched them up. I have consumed them regularly, too. So much so that I decided it was time to look for more clearance vitamins. To no avail.

After commenting to my better three-fourths about it, Ginger told me it would be fine to pay full price for a new bottle. I resisted (of course) because buying them on clearance also feeds the cheap gene. However, I noticed a marked difference when I missed a day. Reluctantly, I brought myself to the full-priced vitamin aisle and looked around. There were a few empty spots, but all I could find were male, 50+ multi-vitamins. Not having reached that two-and-a-half score mark, there is no way I could purchase those, so I walked out vitamin less.

Today, 21 Aug, I looked and realized that I have exactly 10 pills left.