I have often commented that Serendipity takes me everywhere. For a while I thought I took her with me but long ago realized I was not driving this bus.
A perfect example occurred during my recent trip home. I went to visit my father who was answering the phones at church. On the desk were three books with pamphlets on top. I asked what they were and he said records of baptisms and such. Curiosity killed the cat but I was a suspect for a long time so I picked up the top book (with pamphlets) and pulled out the middle book.
My first thought was that it would be amazing to find my name in the book. Originally I was baptized in this church at the age of one. I do not know exactly what day it was and I was later baptized on Super Bowl Sunday the week before marrying Ginger. Thi does make me an Anabaptist though I do not subscribe to the same tenets as the Anabaptist Rebellion in Münster of the 16th century.
Opening the book to just a random page I glanced down and the first thing I noticed were names. Specifically my own with a couple cousins.
This was the entry, from 1991, for my nephew’s baptism for whom I and my cousins are godparents.So it wasn’t my own baptism, it would have been even more incredible for the books to have been that old, although if two books down went back 30 years it may have been in the third book.
As always, I like to point out that I define Serendipity the same way I define Karma, Luck, and Coincidence as synonyms for Providence. And thanks for taking a short trip down Amnesia Lane with me.