My name is Jonathan and I have a sleep problem. Luckily for me, this morning I did not wake up unable to return to a state of slumber at 0130. Tonight it was an hour earlier.
One of the worst things to do when you wake in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep is to pick up an electronic device (the one I’m typing on counts as number four). So after reading a few work emails, liking a quote on Twitter, I opened the real time sucking sink Facebook. Among the first pictures I saw was a random shot in the wide open showing a snow-covered field with a mountain in the background. After stealing the photo from him and putting it in this post I noticed that he’s in an odd named place (Chautauqua Park) that by an incredibly strange coincidence is a name that I am about to use in my current work in progress, not the park mind you, just the name Chautauqua, I stumbled across it two months ago and have been itching to use it.
My time in Germany has softened my desire to correct immensely. Ever so much more than is dampened by Muphry’s Law—anything you write criticizing, editing, or proofreading will contain a fault of its own. Even still, I know that if I had been alive and German in the 30s and 40s I would have been employed as a Grammar Nazi. There are things that grate my nerves still. Such as reading something that could of been corrected easily enough (it’s grating my nerves and I wrote it on purpose). The caption of photo struck that chord in me: “Wondering Aimlessly.”
Yet in this regard he truly nailed the essence of what I do on a regular basis. I Wendy, I Wanda, I wonder. I distract myself in the middle of distracting myself and then marvel at the place I find myself in the end. I wander while wondering and wonder while wandering.
Lewis Carroll once wrote “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” Truer words may never have been spoken. And truer words may never have been wondered.