Byrd Droppings

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Comparison Without Commitment

Yesterday, Michael Hyatt tweeted a blog by Nicole Wick who explained why ebooks are not quite there yet. Having seen the medium rise, and having seen many people, including Mr. Hyatt indicate it is here to stay, I clicked on the link. While she left out the fact that my iPhone believes the word ebook to be misspelled (wanted the hyphen), she did share that she did not own a reader except an iPad. She did have some valid concerns that are weaknesses, though I disagree with her calling them fundamental flaws. I have three books as PDF files, one by Scott Adams, Michael Hyatt, and Tosca Lee. These are short, brief, and long respectively. I am not impressed with books as PDF files. I also have on my iPhone 6 different e-book readers plus an awesome bible app (Olive Tree-worth every cent of its big price) that has the option of adding other books. The only major e-book reader I have not tried is the one Ms Wick uses. As a result I do not try to say which is better.

Mr. Hyatt pointed out that she did have an iPad. After getting upset she didn't own an e-book reader, I started skimming and overlooked that. After he tweeted to point that out, I went back and re-read the article. It was then I noticed she has only bought electronic media since--no printed books. This brings me to say I was wrong with my initial thought. She is trying to give it a fair go, if only the iPad. However, it does bring me to the point I have here. Oftentimes people form opinions based on one side and refuse to change, especially with regards to technology.

The Mac vs. PC is a prime example. As an engineer, I am intimately familiar with the Microstation versus AutoCAD debate. I have used both of these four extensively and can provide an educated opinion of which I feel is better and why.

Another example is people who believe that one style of church worship style or music is better than the other. Our church has both a traditional and contemporary service, and there are sharp opinions on both. It also reminds me of people who say if it isn't King James it isn't Bible.

It is not quite as saying different strokes for different folks though there is some validity to that. Ultimately what it boils down to, for me, is before you compare, commit to trying both sides. Don't just discount the other side of a choice without seeing If it has merit. Don't announce the flaws of an object until you have seen that they are truly there.

Ms Wick's original article:

If I did it right Mr. Hyatt's Tweet: