A week ago my middle daughter came over for some help with Calculus. She’s dangerously walking the line of what I do and don’t remember but if I’m lucky I can brush up on some of it before she gets here and be of assistance. While here she started to run a fever. Ordinarily this is no reason for alarm. But these are no ordinary times.
She works at a retirement home at the front door. One of her responsibilities is to take the temperature of anyone coming in—to make sure they don’t have the dreaded virus*. So now we are all worried she has it. Which in turn means that it was an ineffective way of stopping it but that’s not the point. The next day she got tested. Both the quick and the dead. Wait, that’s the two kinds of bayonet fighters, the two tests were the quick and the 3 day one (or whatever their official names are). When the quick test came back with a positive it also came back with a note that the quick test is 70% inaccurate so wait for the slow test. Sure enough, the other test came back positive, too. Apparently it only has a 37% inaccurate result but I didn’t know that yet.
This meant that the rest of us had to get our medulla oblongata massaged by a q-tip. The whole ordeal was not as bad as it could have been though I swear there was something on that thing they shoved in my nose as the insides burned slightly for several hours.
Truly the worst part of the whole test was that the nurse who did the test told me I couldn’t go to the Chic-Fil-A drive through. We used the app and pulled into the parking lot instead. Next time I’m not asking.
Quarantine, one of the longest four letter words I know. It isn’t as though we weren’t used to isolation, but we were further removed than the removed state we had been in off and on for the last 7 months. While worrying about what would happen. Did we get it? Did we miss it? What was next?
We were told that we could sign up for an online service and possibly get our results on Sunday. They were wrong. It was middle of Monday before we got the word we were negative. A major sigh of relief.
I truly believe that we had it back in January. I also believe that here in the US we rolled our second wave into the first wave because we never stopped having cases reported. I seems that other countries are having their second wave now. Questions still abound. Did we not get it because we had it already? Did we test too early and it just hadn’t shown up? Did the fact that none of us have symptoms mean anything? Did the symptoms that did pop up only because we googled the most googled question of 2020—what are the symptoms? Can I say symptoms one more time in this paragraph? Yes, is that a symptom of something?
Surfing is a weird sport, not that I follow it regularly. It is much more of a sport than poker and more of a sport than corn hole (which had championship games on ESPN this last weekend). Sometimes when watching a surfing event a surfer gets into a pipeline and is swallowed up by a wave that goes over their head. When this happens they almost always wipe out. It’s a real crash and burn scene. But when they manage to shoot out of the end of the pipeline, even if you know nothing about the sport you know that you have witnessed an incredible event.
My family and I surfed the second wave. We shot out of the end of the pipeline and it was a beautiful thing. None of us are back on the beach yet but I pray you either don’t get as close to the breakers as we did or pull off a similar feat.
*Several of my friends and readers have different thoughts on the pandemic. Some of you want me to call it COVID-19. Some want me to call it Wuhan Flu, or even the dreaded Lung Pao Sicken. But I’m not calling it any of those. I’m just going with the Harry Potter he who would not be named. And he is used in the unknown gender sense that English teaches should default to the masculine. And if English teaches differently now I’m not learning any more. Look, I already went to one space after the period, leave me alone with the changes.