Byrd Droppings

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Almost Here

Last week we ran into unexpected issues with the cover for our new anthology of short stories. For several days I believed we would have to delay the launch of the new book, but after a hectic round of emails, nasty notes, and confusing discussions on fonts and colors we are back on track for a launch date of Thursday 31 March 2022.

Like any author, I’m proud of the stories I have written. The two I have in this volume are two of the best I’ve ever written. One is called The Quilt, about a trusty bed covering that was more about when and where it was than what it was. The second is The Thermostat about someone close to the end and struggling with Alzheimer’s. There is joy, heartbreak, and warmth all rolled up into the frequently crazy temperature changes.

There will be more news here soon. There will be a launch party (or two) and a Meet the Author session soon. For now though, I’m just happy to know it’s still on track.