Byrd Droppings

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Tinfoil Hat 2

As I’ve mentioned before, if you’re going to wear a tinfoil hat, wear a big tinfoil hat. In that vein I offer the following potential situation:

My latest theory is that within the next 6 to 8 weeks a report will be leaked that reveals quaternary ammonia production is bad for the environment, increases greenhouse gas emissions, and has lost its innate ability to serve as an anti-microbial solution. In layman’s terms: hand sanitizing gel is bad for the climate and doesn’t kill germs.

In advance of this leaked report, at the end of last year the hand-sanitizing gel industry created the Coronavius Inert Deception 2019 or COVID-19. This was done in an effort to create mass panic and thereby cause a run on their products cleaning out the shelves of stores and increasing the street market value as currently being witnessed. Once they have eliminated the warehouses of stored product, the report will be “leaked” and the industry will collapse on itself. Then we can go back to worrying about the little things, like the flu.

There is a similar theory to this about facemarks but it’s just too whacko to mention.